Educational and production activities

The Medical and Technical College is a modern promising educational institution that occupies a leading position in the educational space of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of healthcare, with a dynamically developing material and technical base, actively and equally cooperating with leading domestic healthcare and education organizations, applying innovations in the educational field. The College provides a high professional level of training for students that meets the requirements of the healthcare system in the context of changing labor market needs. The quality of educational activities, the material and technical base, and information and digital resources are constantly being improved. As part of the recognition of the conformity and quality of the educational services provided, the College has passed the institutional accreditation procedure.


Educational and methodological work at the Medical and Technical College is the main type of educational activity, which is a set of activities carried out by the college administration and teachers in order to improve the quality of educational services.


The educational and methodological work is aimed at:

· to support and ensure the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard,

· to develop the creative potential of the teaching staff,

· to improve the skills of teachers who are able to train competitive medical specialists.


The main activity of the scientific and methodological process is carried out within the framework of a single methodological theme of the college and a scientific and methodological goal:


“Improvement and development of competitive secondary medical workers based on innovative global technologies.”


The educational and methodological work of the college is carried out through a system of interrelated activities, the development of programmatic, methodological, diagnostic and didactic materials, through the work of the methodological council, the methodological department, cyclic methodological commissions and classrooms of disciplines in accordance with the tasks:

· improving the level of professional skills;

· continuous self-education of teachers;

· informatization of the educational process;

· Dissemination of translated experience;

· introduction of modern methods of teaching and knowledge control;

· improvement of the educational process;


Methodological councils play an important methodological, managing, and corrective role in coordinating the activities of the chairmen of cyclic methodological commissions, as heads of structural divisions. The subject matter of the methodological councils is determined by the orientation towards achieving quality goals and established criteria for the effectiveness of educational and methodological work and the implementation of SES.

In the structure of the educational and methodological department of the college, there are cyclic methodological commissions, whose activities take place within the framework of planning for the current academic year, with the condition of analyzing the implementation of planning and reporting by half-year. The teachers of the classrooms develop working curricula of disciplines, programs of clinical and industrial practices, create and systematize sets of evaluation materials as control and evaluation tools for current and intermediate certification, develop teaching aids, methodological developments within the framework of academic disciplines.

The work plans of all CMCs and classrooms are structurally formed and approved by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at the beginning of the academic year.

The staff potential of the college’s teaching staff meets the qualification requirements and guarantees the possession of full-fledged knowledge, modern teaching methods, necessary skills and experience for the effective transfer of knowledge to students during the educational process and the organization of feedback. The staffing of full-time teachers has stable indicators and is represented by the following qualitative composition of teaching staff corresponding to the qualification requirements of the professional level:

CMC actively participates in educational and methodological activities:

· scientific and practical conferences,

· master classes,

· Round table and conference venues,

· Olympiads,

· decades of the CMC.


Close creative cooperation between teachers and students, within the framework of expanding the competencies being formed, allows us to achieve good results and recognition of the achievements of teachers /students at competitions, Olympiads, conferences of various levels.

Working with advanced pedagogical experience is one of the main activities of the methodological service of the college, which ensures the creation of a flexible, purposeful, effective system for the development of professional competence of teachers and focused on intensive development.

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College teachers have a wide creative potential, apply modern teaching methodologies, and actively promote their experience in educational and methodological associations and other venues.

The analysis of participation in competitions/Olympiads shows a stable promotion of the effectiveness of research activities of teachers and students.

The promotion of active teaching methods in the educational process allows you to activate the educational process, implement the ideas of developmental learning, increase the pace of classes, increase the amount of independent work of students.

In the educational process, teachers test and implement advanced forms and modern learning technologies that affect its quality and effectiveness: information technologies, active teaching methods, and means of evaluating the quality of specialist training. Favorable conditions are provided for the acquisition of a student’s professional interest through methods of maximizing cognitive activity, creating situations based on critical thinking using simulators, multifunctional phantoms and technical equipment, forming emotions of success in learning, realizing self-confidence.