Student self-government of a Medical and Technical College is a special form of initiative, independent social activity of students aimed at solving important issues of student life, developing their social activity, supporting initiatives to solve vital issues of organizing education, everyday life, leisure.
Self–government and KDM of the college is also a resource of social and legal self-defense in the conditions of realization of creative activity and amateur activity of students in educational, cognitive, scientific, professional and cultural relations.
Currently, the Medical and Technical College adheres to the idea of conceptual development of student self-government, primarily with the training of young specialists, which should meet the modern requirements of the socio-economic situation in the labor market, where specialists with a certain set of personal qualities, such as competence, initiative, sociability, creativity, adaptability, will certainly be in demand, benevolence, efficiency and managerial thinking.
The activities of the KDM include holding various events for the implementation of youth policy, organizing extracurricular activities and holidays, mediation in the dialogue of students with the college administration.
The main activities of the college’s self-government address the following issues:
- to strengthen discipline;
- to improve academic performance and attendance;
- health improvement and promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
- on social protection of students;
- to improve students’ leisure time and conduct cultural events.
Goals and objectives of the KDM:
- Implementation of youth policy.
- Organization of student self-government.
- Activation of student life.
- Participation in the organization and improvement of the educational process at the college in areas and in groups.
- Formation of an environment of creativity and mutual assistance in student groups.
- Participation in the organization of research work of students.
- Participation in the organization, holding of Olympiads, scientific conferences.
- Participation in the organization of inspections, competitions in the following directions.
- Coordination of the college’s activities on the implementation of youth policy, timely solution of youth problems.
- Interaction with higher authorities, youth organizations on issues related to the practical solution of youth problems.